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tv   Going Underground  RT  September 30, 2020 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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any the quick response and we would have been to have a president maybe with very minimal numbers is much closer to the numbers as both infections and if as is very high and the one we were very successful in actually continuing controlling they call us came from the occupation white house which has recorded 2 of the spread of the cone of ice the biggest soft spot for us was obviously in work as working as. we were trying to actually communicate at the either should state. or should they come back. and since joined up has been they biggest source of infection particularly and that was back of the floor of the white house i hope you creation of the inability to control it all on board does not allow us are going to continue with a very effective and efficient way of dealing with the white house having said or mean pre-split approach to convey oh it's the do it for white army where doctors
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and nurses are engaged now as we speak at every international about it and this very worried about because of especially in the last few weeks numbers have spiked to unprecedented levels of the 20th of august the only 3 deaths in gaza and that on 200 reported cases now we're talking about more than 2800. cases as you know has been on the knock down by as of lenses these 2007 it's. absolutely able to deal with such a direct and therefore we. there's a gate patient to have left immediately because such a spreading does it would be nothing less than catastrophic we hope. we would be even quicker to be as fun to study as with all that the national community to contain such a better dangerous my nuts and to contain the is an evil. well let's get to
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a cue let's get the whole capacious because refusal to recognize israel is no longer the standard response from arab nations before it would be iraq and it is the interview suddenly on going underground of saturday's show he said the abraham accords show the arab world a kind of waking up from a blind hatred towards israel one of you made of the abraham accords we actually have the editor in chief of the jerusalem post he said the palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. you know that's the said one piece i want to go call it a product quotes you know a prophet. who spent it in a book palestine is the father of all prophets because he represents a symbol of unity he's the father of all of us so that of unity over the specter of justice stuck between jews christians and muslims i've been trying to do is call that donald trump because at that moment that he is gone from christianity using the name of the grand name. for
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a very cheap exercise of actually election satis this is just some countries paying . gifts. action famous term said listen toric or it won't even really mean what do you mean an election fave is why do you think the united arab emirates and bahrain now recognize diplomatically the israeli state it is fine but it should ship shape us to let it go on from because you know a normalization is an act that was always meant to reward is one for ending its occupation that through war now is do one thing illegal at these awarding the occupation to whom and sentient besiegement of all people in gaza the deepest legs ition of jerusalem we are not. trying to create a situation we are just rewarded if they cut out the school and jihad if they don't spoil it it's just that we believe it was a major major setback in our efforts that if there be to actually reach
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a genuine state peace interrupted you. will not heed. of course for peace on this either it hasn't caught up to all it has a major stick thinking that's kind of this wanton rewarded for absolutely nothing except if they get it in claiming falsely that israel has stopped that excision one exception is happening on the ground at the bases only in the last few weeks is unless announced the building of new 12000 new. 7 minutes units deep in the west bank of the caribbean exceptions are happening right in front of our eyes so please be not for me not we have not given any mandate as our president said as speech they won we have given norman to anyone to speak on our behalf this has been a conflict between the palestinian people and the occupier that is an occupied of your part of a common right miles of the sea and a b. c. . we have been this conflict with our nation for 100 years and therefore there is
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no way such a righteous legitimate suspicions of people could be just traded in a stock market like this at this point in time was anything that's that's not the way the united states sees it although british and european union governments have been keen to emphasize the illegality of your patients when you watch the un general assembly it's been on that for the past week or so what is the point of all the un resolutions i mean you've got resolutions saying they need israel to withdraw from occupied land no settlements jerusalem can't be the capital just of israel the golan heights the seizure by israel is illegal the 75th anniversary what is the point of all the resolutions that you and your negotiating team and your a different diplomatic stuff around the world go on about when it doesn't seem to matter anymore that's one of the many people are saying but we remain to be absolutely committed to international legitimacy we believe in what that office and
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we learned that us of the 2nd we think when the world come together and decide collectively is way better than one of those of the problems not the national system national or the space or that was established so we learned never again what we did in the 2nd world or of the 1st will go and the purpose of. this ability or acquired by force that's the heart of it now the problem is not the over the problem of the enforcement of the lot. that's the issue here of course in about the position of the u.k. which is command of it i mean only last week the minister of the east of the foreign office. he stated that we confront the u.k. position with datasets occupation us to find a sign on the 967 borders with east jerusalem as its 7th and dissolving the issue if you just equipment with the last of the snow we agree with the u.k. position the issue his words are not enough for us and this isn't for them up in the we need an army obviously brave some would say given we want to trade deal
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though with the united states after breaks in but obviously britain is selling record amounts of arms to israel i want to get on to your leader mahmoud abbas he said it was a stab in the back isn't it really a stab in the front the so-called abraham accords historically we have a very good relations with those assists we didn't change some of them have unilaterally changed and we are where we are absolutely 'd we consider ourselves to be a problem ups both christians and muslims we define also by this that in our mission we know the hearts of the feelings of the support and the sort of that at the connection between us of the people. and also that of the support who saw what happened in bahrain i mean the most standing i suspect was operates against what is asian oppositions that season so we know we have all the force of the relationship between us while the bahraini people are not the people who is beyond politics i
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think this is about so that it is a shit about history about religion about country about language about the hopes for a for the future what connect between us and the minorities and the bodies we need to live in the field with and together with the other or that even with our of peace initiative. in 2002 already if he ends it will even that was look he did it as a salute to me by this unit after an act by some context to normalize its illegality and to reward isn't for it's a question of going to the finest and you know if we have a bunch of the cause of peace that's absolutely nuts. so what are you going to do those countries do say it's a step forward and you just waiting it out to see when the biden would be any better after the us elections over say what the conflict of the dynamics of this i mean status in the people of either side we are on. and as i knows this best i mean they could cite these american press you know almost magician like
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deaves as if he says period end of it at least in some of the user really guests have been saying that this does not offer to bring genuine real peace and that does that we will continue and by the way as much as this is a crisis that some local or whites digitalization over them as a situation. that then you know what for mission only minutes off of the announcement about the law but as efficient ringback but it's an exception it's all the theater it's like when not if all this is a crisis but it also brings an opportunity to for us this saturday by isabel it's may in fact the u.s. attention that if you know if you have seen that we have agreed among all of us that it at the affections to convene elections with this 6 months you have seen orphans won't work including here in the u.k. in the parliament last week and there are very strong support this time so this creates for us also
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a wide range of many individual who would like us see don't that we have a nominee seat phone to be a bully and we will look a little i mean we will not succumb to these protests we have would stop that from pressure as you said in europe of action i was the ambassador of the us i know personally how much the from and the trump team have tried with us all the way from cutting off funding the moving the embassy from police to yours and then to defunding all off even the closing of our mission itself in washington you know invoking the visas of my own children while they were in the middle of the school unit. washington all this is that makes sense because for us the choice is very either we chose to go with such what we always stand tall or for all rights and dignity and we believe we would be what we wanted at the end this is about time it's not our moment on the sun we realise how difficult things all over but we will do one thing one thing prime suffice that for us because what we have to those is
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peace is real peace and we are really interested in genuine peace we want to see your motivations in the region the whole region we want to see a region that is fighting and prosper and if we want to address the issues of all the roof and women you question and have we just discussed the issue of the corner of violence in gaza i mean are people in gaza are living in the the most horrific open ever present for the last 15 years we want to see your sort of a beacon for coexistence we want all that but we don't want to the way with this crimes and we don't want this to be just another way for israel and beautifying and legitimizing the injustice and the oppression the feste been happening we will not be this it what we the people of honest i have been starving for all these tickets will never allow anyone to pay from our pockets our pockets absolutely clothes so we have fence we have the look we have the morning t.v. we have the steadfastness of our people we have the stargate of our people everywhere in jerusalem and there was a bank in does that as you see on
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a weekly basis everywhere and we have the clarity about the future so this is about a moment but it's lot stuart ambassador sums it up thank you we also invite the u.s. ambassador to london thank you very much after the break what do trump's republicans think of a historic deal promising so-called peace in the middle east i'll be speaking to chairman of the texas republican party involvement member of the house of representatives allen west all of them all coming up by 2 of going on the ground. always be polite never engage with a negative a good or confrontational. don't get into any conversation or start answering questions just. to survive and charities. definitely don't want to.
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jump on cups. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich. or if you're poor and. you've got 2 eyes 2 ears and one now. so you should be seen in here and a whole lot more than you're saying if you don't take that advice easy going to dig yourself a hole. about to come up with. the london bridge and the crash of. the world.
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thinks. we dare to ask. welcome back last night's all the. a u.s. presidential election debate between president obama trump his democratic rival joe biden in ohio but away from the mainstream media analysis of every minor detail of that debate with just over a month before the election i'm joined now by the chairman of the texas republican party and former member of the house of representatives on west to discuss the bigger picture here that's been eclipsed by global pandemic mass protests in the usa and he joins me now from garland in texas alan thanks for coming on so yeah in
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a very big picture at terms you think by not being such a tough opponent so much as far as the republicans see it the d.n.c. know that it will become allah harris that could be president shortly after an election of a by presidency in many ways i think that they see this as a couple harris joe biden ticket. and most people know that joe biden's probably not going to be able to sustain you know for 6 months or even a year in the presidency so we're really looking at the policies of kaamelott harrison where she has stood for where she is as a u.s. senator and also as attorney general in california joe biden rejects that says he wants to sever full term we just spoke of the palestine's ambassador to the u.k. trump has been trumpeting the abraham accords he said they don't hold out any hope for peace whatsoever why do you think that it's
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a positive development that israel has made deals with the arab or talk receives like the u.a.e. and bahrain now we're having more to go she has a better relations with go cooperation council countries the g.c.c. countries with bahrain and u.a.e. are doing the obama administration they were very concerned it was very disconcerting a lot of the relationships that they saw between the obama biden administration and iran and the you know that iran with is the number one stay supporter of terrorism and the regional. hedge monic dominance that iran was trying to have an influence they were having a stand in themselves out of teheran all the way across this land bridge through iraq and over into syria and of course they're into lebanon so i think that you are see better cooperation and the united states is operating from a position of strength not leading from behind and i think a key thing when you talk about texas and how it affects those abraham accords you
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know i say samir is now energy independent a net exporter of energy resources we produce we consume we export those resources because of what is happening here in texas with the drilling with the fracking with the increase of all the natural gas capability capacity that's something that was unleashed by the for trump administration so we can purely act is good negotiators and we can not be dependent upon the middle east for integer resources and we can deal with iran like we should have been dealing with them as a terrorist sponsor say ok iran denies all that and forget about the environmental consequences given increased drilling is this then all about a war in iran because last time around trump was the antiwar presidential candidate he took the united states out of syria arguably allowing iran syria and russia and the chinese to explore future reserves of energy in syria who is about war with
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iran in the 2nd term of a term presidency no it's not about war with iran and i think what you see is president trump using our economic strength now with a stronger position with energy and also using the diplomatic aspect to prevent us from having to go into any type of military confrontation so i think that this is something that should be lauded the fact that he has been able to do these things without firing a single shot and yet we see the reduction you know isis and we have seen jerusalem on taking off the battlefield as well as al baghdadi the leader vices so we're. being very effective but we're not being overly aggressive you're a soldier you know surely that silly money was fighting with u.s. soldiers combating isis that before trump decided to take him out well i don't know if the person that was responsible for targeting u.s. forces were actually working with u.s. forces but i will tell you that in my time in was this it definitely well i mean
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c.n.n. were reporting pictures of him with the u.s. troops c.n.n. is not exactly the most trusted source over here in united states of america but you know i still have friends on the ground and i don't recall josel him on it being very you know accommodating to u.s. military forces in iraq if you know about races i mean ok it's granted that hillary clinton if she had been elected didn't talk about the desire for peace arguably in the same way that trump did but the u.s. is still in afghanistan and is still in iraq 4 years after he was elected what do you make of this problem is it the deep state preventing him from realizing his objective to minimize u.s. taxpayer dollars being spent on foreign conflict well the united states is still in europe my dad fought in world war 2 back in 1940 s. the united states is still in korea and i was last days in korea in 1000 not it so i don't have any issue with having
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a presence that tries to make sure that we exude what ron reagan called it peace through strength you know tactics and i know that you have countries such as poland that wants to have better u.s. relations military relations so that they can for any aggression from russia and vladimir putin so i think that it is a you know a big difference for having a presence a former president and having some type of aggressive military action you mention poland you can imagine is stony at why is it given that trump tries his best to talk about joe biden's son suspicious money. quoting to him from russia why is it the republicans can't seem to challenge the media narrative that it's trump who is the russian asset well i think it's very interesting if you want to say the president trump is russian asset because when russia i'm not and. 'd were russian the paramilitary forces invaded into ukraine it was president obama the set them socks and m.r.
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east it was president obama that lifted the missile defense shield agreement with poland that has been reinstated or at least better relations with poland and we know that president trump has. missile systems. missile systems he said a.t.'s we have had better military cooperation with ukraine and also the baltic states latvia estonia lithuania so i believe that he has taken some of her serious actions against russia and a failure at what's been the failure to counter the narrative that people can continue to say whatever they want to say i mean but the actions speak quite loudly so i think that's the best way to counter narrative is just look at say you don't see the russia being able to continue and push themselves and deeper into ukraine or the baltic states and then also think about this the liquefied natural gas i mean port arthur texas is the number one export liquefied natural gas and we're using that to undermine the influence of russia in many countries and europe
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especially in eastern europe something presumably you'd say is not appreciated by mainstream u.s. corporate journalists ok but what about existential threats to the whole world and the decision by trump seemingly to kill off the stott nuclear weapons treaty with russia you don't think trump is in danger in will piece by doing that. well i think one of the theories is russia has not been a good faith. participant in that nuclear treaty in that agreement and so i think that's a lot of presidents trying to put pressure on russia and break that off the united states of america under this president everyone was talking about we would be going in war rooms talk about a nuclear war in north korea the strategic patience policy of the obama but it ministration you some more aggressive north korea so again i think the proof is in the pudding we don't see any of these major aggressive actions across the world but
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we've got the whole certain books which are an actor's feet to the fire and you see that with presidents trust policies toward russia china north korea and iran do you think joe biden can get the united states into a war with russia unlike the way trump talks about russia biden said in the summer i am putting the kremlin on notice do you think the democrats pose a threat to world peace. i think the weakness is in tyson and if we go back to the foreign policy that we saw during obama biden ministration you will see more belligerent actions coming from the actors that i just mentioned to us to include also islamic jihad as well because he didn't say weakness but he did say for instance he had trump was too weak on north korea and i suppose he's pointing to the fact there's been no progress about that threat to the united states the perceived threat. you know we also don't see all of those missiles being tested and
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we haven't heard from kim jong un in quite some time and they because we have taken a position of strength and so the strategic patience philosophy of foreign policy towards north korea that was part of the obama biden administration ok what about internal security all around the world the images of civil disobedience civil unrest in the united states ever since george floyd was killed or being beamed out is there a danger deep within the united states is a civic society that has been unlike that since well say under the obama clinton obama biden yes. i have big concerns about what we see happening on the streets in united states where to me is a domestic and servicing when you have groups like active and black glass matter and some of the nefarious actions that they're taking the destruction of federal buildings the attack of property and things of that nature and also the policy of defunding police here in our in the state of texas the capital city austin texas
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a very far left city council voted to defund the police by $150000000.00 and what you see is an increase of violent crime in that city on a not going to out and frequenting anywhere late at night because of the issue about safety and security obviously black eyes matta maybe even anti for who of course in the thirty's in world war 2 for against the fascist would deny they were nefarious spent i think what i'm getting at here is trump's term the gini coefficient on income and inequality it's as bad the the regression as it was during the obama biden years so what happened and joining these trump for years i mean 40000000 people in the united states will be able to eat tonight without food stamps or that or snap as you call it nowadays why. did trump fail in that regard of reducing inequality reducing poverty which also of course has an impact
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on the current virus response well i would take umbrage with that because we saw an incredible dropping of the unemployment rate which means that people were getting back to work and if you talk about food stamps i mean the food stamp participation was was dropping course when the coronavirus coke in 1000 came along when we have you know certain areas where you know we told people to shut down the businesses of the base of that nature that it had a very bad effect on lives in la but who is that's why i think that is important that we work very hard to get our businesses back open so that people can get back to work and we have seen down in state of florida where now they have opened back up 100 percent so i don't think the president trust policies have brought forth a an increase in food stamps or poverty things of that nature as opposed to what we saw with the obama administration in those 8 years where you did see policies that led to an increase and unemployment and that was extremely high as well and just
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finally and very briefly since everyone's asking about it that new york times tax story do you think trump's base in the rust belt of those states that made him president will see the new york times story as something that improves their view of the way trump handled himself in trying to minimize taxes no they'll just see that as another partisan political attack against president trump just the same as it wasn't too long ago they said the president trump said disparaging things about u.s. service members he was visiting cemeteries in france and that was debunked as well allen west thank you my pleasure. and that's over the show we're back on saturday to speak to legendary filmmaker truthteller john pilger about the trial of the century in london old bailey hearing to decide on the life of wiki leaks is julian assange and arguably global press freedom you can go with all our coverage of the founders' revelations of war crimes all around the world on you tube put a facebook instagram and sound card accounts stay safe and see what's up.
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as election day approaches there are growing concerns whether the oakum will be contested whether the election will be gentlemen we are told this election truly matters we're always told this however this time around there's a different feel there's an x. especially on the teacher just election how many voters will say not my president after november 3rd. my name is 2nd seat on the. seat for the seats or. for the border you know. when you know we've got to get. down to cause of. the movement you know the nazis scoots
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box and i use that down sixty's to make it a day easier and also to meet school on drug use to pull this. man. who comes through for us who comes because who comes during his child to fit life in a music that. i love who dies because he makes me copy i love to dies because he meets me and copy plane beautiful. and wonderful to say it's reality. i.
10:00 am
continue to trade blows over the disputed territory of. exclusive access to the conflict. right now between the positions of the armenian army which is over there and the other by joining forces i'm just stationed over this hill with the 1st international news crew allowed here by the armenian forces. the 2 nations of. the u.n. security council calls for an immediate cease fire. how much. everybody knows he's a liar there's nothing smart about you joe what you should. know your number.
10:01 am
between 2020 hopefuls donald trump and joe biden descends into new.


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